Welcome to a groundbreaking journey in the world of kids’ audio entertainment! 🚀 In today’s video, I’m going to show you how to revolutionize your Toniebox experience by adding a touch of wireless magic. Say goodbye to the limitations of wired earphones and embrace the freedom […]
If you follow my channel then you know that I am a passionate Smart Home Maker and I love all tech things. My goal is to inspire with fresh ideas and to level you up with tech knowledge. But how did I become such a smart […]
Are you also annoyed about batteries for LED light strips, e.g. for Christmas lights, always being empty? If that’s the case, then this video series is perfect for you. I will show you how you can convert an originally battery powered LED or LED strip to […]
Have you ever wondered how you can replace your voice assistant such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home with a local voice assistant that does not send your voice data around the globe but handles everything locally in your house, because you are worried about how […]
If you have a photovoltaic system on your house’s roof, you probably know the problem. During some times of the day, e.g. at noon, you have a lot of sun on the roof and therefore also a lot of self-produced excess energy which will be exported […]
Garden owners probably know the problem — you have set up a wonderful bed full of vegetables and/or fruits and a soon as the first fruits start growing, some uninvited visitors appear: SLUGS. They eat up everything or as least nibble on the fruits and everybody […]
Thumbnail for post showing how to build an AI powered good morning message with ChatGPT and Home Assistant
Being welcomed with an automated, individual smart good morning message every morning before leaving the house to work which includes information gathered by your smart home sounds super awesome to you? Then watch this video to get a better understanding of how it works. To get […]
Thumbnail for post about how to charge car with excess solar energy
Today’s video will show you how I use excess solar energy to charge my car. The whole process is controlled via Home Assistant!
Thumbnail for video on how to avoid crashes of garage door with car
Detect car in front of garage to block garage door from opening / closing in order to prevent damage from the car. The content mentioned in the video can be found here:
Water sprinkler
If you have a beautiful garden you want to keep plants healthy and strong, hence you probably need to water them during weeks of hot summer days. Irrigation is the answer for this. Irrigation can be performed manually by daily standing outside in your garden watering […]